
Tax return questionnaire

Form impot EN

General information

Please provide income for the year

Medical Insurance

Indicate EVERY month of the year :

Please send us your receipts with your documents

Please send us your receipts with your documents

Complete the T1135 form and send it to us with your documents

Complete the T1135 form and send it to us with your documents

Please bring the T2200 form signed from your employer as well as the supporting documents for your expenses.

I am responsible and accurate for the information and completeness of the statements contained in my income tax returns under the Income Tax Act of Canada and the Quebec Taxation Act.

I (we) declare (us) that the information contained in this questionnaire is true. I (we) confirm (us) that all sources of income have been disclosed (Canadian and foreign), that all deducted expenses have been incurred to earn income and that all requested credits are supported by receipts when required.